Hello. My name is Stan.
For those of you who may or may not know, I head a small group that goes by the name of "WeMustCollect". Our sole intention, our purpose, is to find and recruit others whom have had similar experiences as we have. Our intentions are, for the most part, pure.
The unfortunate reality to which our group has dedicated its goals mainly lies upon one negative principal: If one who has shared our experiences does not comply with our demands, we will be forced to take action. The choices we give are straightforward; If refused, the latter is as good as dead either way, for they would have given up their only chance of survival.
You see, Puppet was our first choice for a while. He seemed trapped, unable to cope with the reality that the inhabitants of his town were disappearing and that he was chosen to lead a larger purpose. Even I, someone who has experienced much more than my "video updates" and "records" can dictate, found Puppet's situation unfair, unbearable... He deserved a place where he could feel safer, rather than spend every moment of his life in uncertainty up until death.
We attempted to reach out in many forms. I contacted him first (as already mentioned in Puppet's earlier entries) with an attempt at reasoning with him. Unfortunately, I became too impatient due to the incepid attitude of Kyle, the other survivor who I had, and will, attempt to recruit in the future. I lost my patience enough to hand the project over to my partner Connor who, while a very capable partner, is not necessarily concerned in his persuasion methods sounding "sane" or "reasonable". His response video intended to scare Puppet into accepting, moreover due to the fact that Puppet had an idea of what Connor was capable of.
We had no idea it would come to this.
Against all odds, Puppet declined our offer. I didn't even realize this until yesterday, when I awoke mid-day to find that Connor, one of his passports, my fedora hat, and his knife were gone. Connor had decided to fulfill his promise (threat, rather) to Puppet and kill him. I was hoping Puppet would agree, so I really had no other choice but to allow Connor to proceed. It is undeniably essential that those who refuse protection be wiped out. So, as much as it pained me to do it, Puppet had to go.
The fucker didn't wait until Connor arrived.
Attached is the video that we found saved to his computer. It was recorded seconds before Connor entered Puppet's room. We have lost a potential partner. Goodbye, Puppet. You need not be forever cursed as we are to live in the same world as these creatures any longer.
We watch. We listen. We are.
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DeleteOh boy...
Boy have I missed a lot since I was gone.