Monday, July 2, 2012

The sweetest hint of sanity

Disbelief. That's all I feel right now. The binary codes translated into Tinypic url's that led to these two images:
Text at the right side says "follow"
Text at the top-left hidden in the trees says "look hard" and the text on the right in the trees says "look closely"

How the hell did you get those pictures? They were on MY camera. You don't HAVE MY CAMERA. And what do you want me to do? Follow? Follow what? The path you laid out for me to kill myself?

I shouldn't, but I will. You psychotic piece of shit. Then again, I more than likely am falling to your level. If this is a puzzle, I'll play your goddamned game. Is it "Follow The Leader?" Is it Leap-Frog? How about Simon!?


Okay. So, now that that's out... I don't know where Naomi is. Her phone is turned off, but it SHOULDN'T be. And I might have a contact left. Another Runners. He doesn't have much experience whatsoever. He goes by "N" and apparently, he got GRABBED by the Tall one, and ended up in the middle of my town.

So yeah, that's his deal. He CALLED me a few nights ago. Told me that he found my number laying on his laptop.

WHATEVER YOU DO, N... do NOT go to this location. Understood? Great... I'm going to stop by there tomorrow, to see what exactly I can find.


  1. Better get a huge ball of yarn to retrace your steps.

    1. If it's how I remember it, it'll be very hard to get lost.

    2. Ah...
      You know that chilling feeling you have, knowing that something is about to happen? I have it all the time.

    3. I KNOW something is going to happen. Whether it's something I find, or if something would happen directly to me... I just... I can't shake the feeling I'll find something horrible.

    4. If it's a huge body pile...D=

    5. Don't even joke about that, okay? Not after those skins...

    6. And the guy on twitter send me a message.

    7. He's got some valid points.

    8. Yeah. Thing is, you're not alone if you count the things that want to get you.
      And me and others to talk to you.

    9. Yeah, but still.

      Anyways, the livestream is up.
