But I have to. After all that happened tonight, I heartily wish not to. But I think I may have a compromise.
N, if you're reading this, I need you to help me. First, I decided against you even going near that place. But, I have a feeling that Helper will want to jump me or may have a trap set up. I know you're probably smarter than I am, and I know for a fact you're faster and stronger than I am right now.
As much as I wish not to ask this of you, I need you to go to the location with your camera and try to get whatever it is that Helper has there...
Give me a call, and I'll give you directions. If you make it through, then thank you so much. If not... then I don't know what I'll do. I'll have inadvertently killed someone again. I can't handle that. So please, make it through.
Did you find anything yet?