Friday, June 29, 2012


It's back to this. It's back to how it began. I'm alone.
I'm alone again.

And the tall thing is taking particular interest in me lately.

My head hurts, my stomach feels as if it's stirred dust. Is this what it's like to go insane?


  1. If the voices in the head or writing stuff on the wall with feces turns up...

    1. I just want to know why this all had to fall on ME. I know it's happening to other people but why did they have to follow ME? Why did my whole town get slaughtered under the influence of some otherworldly creatures? Why did my friends have to all DIE? WHY DIDN'T /I/? WHY DIDN'T I DIE? WHY /CAN'T/ I? WHAT'S STOPPING ME? I have no goddamned drive. I have nothing motivating me because I can't escape and I can't do anything about anything, anymore.

      So, is this what it LOOKS like to go insane?

    2. ....Pretty much, yeah.

    3. Great. Lovely. Wonderful. Does it even really matter, anymore? What am I supposed to do? Survive? What will I even GAIN from that? Why haven't I SEEN by now? There's NOTHING here for me to live for. NOTHING. A ghost city surrounded by military forces.

      Everyone here is dead, and those who aren't are CRAZY, CRYPTIC, MURDEROUS, AND/OR ABOMINATIONS FROM ANOTHER PLANE OF EXISTANCE.

    4. If I was you, I would go down fighting because if they want their damn "key", they have to fight for it.

    5. But what exactly happens if they actually get me alive? WHAT EVEN HAPPENS? They get me, they go to their tree. Then what?

      There's no worth in fighting a mute, bipolar pseudo-soldier and a revenant-obsessed hacker. There's DEFINITELY no worth in even trying to fight a tall freak...

      So, what's driving me to stay alive? Nothing.

    6. Whatever it is, it's keeping you alive for a reason...

    7. THEM WHAT IS THE REASON? Why drive me to thinking like this? You know what? I never thought this way until I got home last night. I can't HANDLE this.

      What to do, what to do... Oh, I'll do what everyone else has let it do. I'll do the only thing that's possible for NOT dying a slow, excruciating death. I'll do what drives me to breaking point. I'll do absolutely NOTHING. I'll let the thing lurk around and screw with my head.

    8. Because, let's face it. Honestly, there IS nothing to do. It doesn't die. But the other assholes CAN. I guess it's finally time to hunt them down.

      In a sense, Blackhead betrayed me. He killed the mass-murderer of my town, stabbed Norman, protected me, then tried to kill me. From there, he probably would've used me as the key. If the key is supposed to destroy these other "Fears" or something... I need to die in order for it to work. I didn't want to die. Norman has been trying to use my very existence to "become a GOD" and "become REVENANT" and all this shit.

      So... they're all on my target list. And this time, I won't be pathetic.
