Friday, June 1, 2012


My name is Sera. The friend that Puppet mentioned long ago. The one that broke down.

 I noticed he hasn't been posting lately, so I decided to throw my voice out. Everything has been quiet since Puppet had that run-in with this "Empty City" he remarked about today. Right now he's asleep, though. Not sure how he managed to sleep, but he did it.

As for his injuries, I'm sure he'll be fine. His lip will heal, but there's going to be a nasty little scar there. And his voice... won't recover. His vocal chords and his throat are literally COVERED with uneven scar-tissue. It's unbelievable how he doesn't suffer any pain when he speaks. That's a true miracle.

But... I don't feel comfortable here. I did my job, I fixed up Puppet, and I was there for him before. Things are going to escalate and it won't stop until it's forcefully and abruptly cut off. As much as it hurts me to say this, and I don't mean any offense whatsoever to him... I can't get dragged into this mess. I don't want to go under the tire with him.

I was in that city. And... it changes. It manipulates to the things you want to see the least. Even worse than THAT. It's safe to say that I am mentally and emotionally torn apart. I haven't spoken a word since the events of that video. This is the first time since then. I'm afraid it will be my last, too.

I'm sorry, but I'm going to do what has to be done in order to prevent myself from ending up in a similar spot as Puppet, maybe even worse. But this is it. I won't get dragged under. I won't.

I don't want this to hurt you, Puppet. I know you'll read this, and I'm so so sorry... I don't want to end this. I really don't. It's the only thing left to do.

You just woke up now. You came into the room and asked what I was doing, but I changed the page over to Tumblr. You had no idea I was writing this, but now you're back asleep.

I've always wanted last words. That fancy, little thought of having last words that shake the world, or simply stay with the ones you love forever. Puppet... you always told me about last words. You said you wanted the world to marvel at what you say. The LAST thing you say.

You were always genius to me. Clever. Creative. Funny. Sarcastic. Protective. But... I guess it's come to that time.

My last words?
Love; death won't change it. Neither will "eldritch abominations."
Please, don't stop until you abruptly cut it off. Keep fighting.
I love you, man.



  1. Who are you? Are you the one that saved him?

    1. *Face palms* I need sleep...sorry for that dumb question.

      What the hell is going on?
