Friday, July 20, 2012

We're Sorry, Puppet.

Hello. My name is Stan.

For those of you who may or may not know, I head a small group that goes by the name of "WeMustCollect". Our sole intention, our purpose, is to find and recruit others whom have had similar experiences as we have. Our intentions are, for the most part, pure.

The unfortunate reality to which our group has dedicated its goals mainly lies upon one negative principal: If one who has shared our experiences does not comply with our demands, we will be forced to take action. The choices we give are straightforward; If refused, the latter is as good as dead either way, for they would have given up their only chance of survival.

You see, Puppet was our first choice for a while. He seemed trapped, unable to cope with the reality that the inhabitants of his town were disappearing and that he was chosen to lead a larger purpose. Even I, someone who has experienced much more than my "video updates" and "records" can dictate, found Puppet's situation unfair, unbearable... He deserved a place where he could feel safer, rather than spend every moment of his life in uncertainty up until death.

We attempted to reach out in many forms. I contacted him first (as already mentioned in Puppet's earlier entries) with an attempt at reasoning with him. Unfortunately, I became too impatient due to the incepid attitude of Kyle, the other survivor who I had, and will, attempt to recruit in the future. I lost my patience enough to hand the project over to my partner Connor who, while a very capable partner, is not necessarily concerned in his persuasion methods sounding "sane" or "reasonable". His response video intended to scare Puppet into accepting, moreover due to the fact that Puppet had an idea of what Connor was capable of.

We had no idea it would come to this.

Against all odds, Puppet declined our offer. I didn't even realize this until yesterday, when I awoke mid-day to find that Connor, one of his passports, my fedora hat, and his knife were gone. Connor had decided to fulfill his promise (threat, rather) to Puppet and kill him. I was hoping Puppet would agree, so I really had no other choice but to allow Connor to proceed. It is undeniably essential that those who refuse protection be wiped out. So, as much as it pained me to do it, Puppet had to go.

The fucker didn't wait until Connor arrived.

Attached is the video that we found saved to his computer. It was recorded seconds before Connor entered Puppet's room. We have lost a potential partner. Goodbye, Puppet. You need not be forever cursed as we are to live in the same world as these creatures any longer.

We watch. We listen. We are.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

now we play the waiting game.

which maniac will be the first to get at my throat?

tick tock, tick tock...

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

My answer

I politely decline your offer... hahahahahahahahahahahahaha

So come and get me. THE CLOCK IS TICKING.


Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Accept them, kill with them, never be alone again.
Accept them, kill them, be alone.
Accept them, kill them, die.
Deny them, die.
Deny them, kill them, die.

Oh, the options can lean either way depending on who decides to pay me a visit. If I accept their offer, I could kill them. That may not go over well, resulting in my death. I could deny their offer and, depending on who knocks on my door, kill them. Hahahahahaha, no.

I really don't have any options I favor. It all leads to two options.

Accept their offer and live with them.
Deny their offer and die at their hands.

There are positive outcomes to either of these options. Maybe not entirely positive in your eyes, but they're pure positive in my eyes. If I accept their offer, I will never be alone again. There's even someone there, someone who could possibly understand me. Connor's not entirely with it, and neither am I. Like two peas in a god-forsaken, blood soaked pod.

If I deny them, I will die.

Decisions, decisions... hahahaha

Monday, July 16, 2012


So, I saw the video, Stan/Connor. Very... persuasive, I suppose? When I say that, I was referencing the knife at the end, of course. But anyways, enough of my sarcastic sputtering. I'm...what the hell.

You got a picture of Blackhead AND you got a picture of Norman. How the HELL DID YOU GET A PICTURE OF THEM? Proxy convention or something!?

Anyways, I don't know what to do. Looks like it's submission or death, to put it crudely. Thanks for giving me a week to think about it, though I don't think I'll need an entire week. I have plenty of time on my own hands... hell, one day feels like a week. But nonetheless, I'll take it into consideration and think about it.

For those of you who haven't seen it (or for some reason don't know where to look), here's WeMustCollect's video addressing me...

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Lone Words

Today was the day of the Livestream... I figured some things out.

Kyle (another runner from overseas) and I received an email from an unknown sender. When I say unknown, I mean it was untraceable. The message was all in binary, which didn't take long to decode. What did it translate to?


After some Google searches, I discovered a Youtube channel by the name of "WeMustCollect". This particular channel was also linked to that of "StanFrederickBTS". It also turns out that he is the silhouetted figure in my dreams. He decided to show up on our Tinychat today to talk to us about recruiting us to help him.

He wanted me, in particular, to travel WITH him. But, out of the blue, Kyle began to mock Stan and wouldn't let him get a word in edgewise. Connor, another person working with the WeMustCollect channel, will be making a video for each of us, I believe. Stan also posted this on his Twitter...

... I was also hoping to address Puppet alone. But I didn't expect a young man by the name of Kyle, another survivor, to be in the room as well. Among the most disgusting, vulgar, and ill-mannered creatures on this Earth... Kyle is definitely NOT one that I am looking to recruit.

Unfortunately, Kyle is a survivor as Puppet and I are. So, regardless of his disgusting manners, I will attempt to recruit him in the future. If he agrees, splendid. If not, Connor is going to be taking a trip overseas with his favorite knife.

It's unfortunate... People believe that, being young, there are things that our collection of survivors is incapable of. But see, we've experienced too much to be brought down by the likes of little pricks who believe they are above the world. You see, in my eyes, everyone gets what's coming to them, based on their actions.

Kyle, Puppet, if you see this, know that your actions in the next two weeks will decide whether you live or die.

Expect us soon.

Yeah... that's obviously not good. So, I've decided to attempt to contact YOU, Stan, through this. Because of Kyle's idiocy.

I understand the offer you're trying to make. I understand what you want me to do, and I'll think about it. Killing kids isn't exactly in my favor... I've been the cause of too many deaths. I have so much other shit to deal with on top of this. Just... I'll think about it...

I know Stan will see this as well, but it most likely won't make a difference. I'm terrified of the entire WeMustCollect deal. This isn't a joke...

I don't know what else to say, so I'll drop off here. Thanks.

Just a few more...

So, today's it. The livestream. God knows what's going to happen, but chances are it'll be great! Wonderful! So much fun!


I guess sarcasm doesn't come across well over the internet, does it? My chances are low, and I'm sure I'll be tormented more. Whether it be "Helper" hacking my shit again, or Blackhead (recently I found out Helper likes to call him "Ascension." Real classy name...) might even barge in and blow a chunk of my torso off. Maybe Norman will show up and... scream... about becoming a god... because that's all he seems to really do... Or maybe Adri will rise from the dead and try to eat my body!

Either way, my emotions are the rope in a tug-of-war. I'm excited to be able to speak to people who give a damn about what's happened to me, and yet I'm terrified of the results.

And with that, I pretty much have nothing more to say. So, I'll see you all at the livestream tonight. Just for the sake of typing more, to keep myself occupied, I'll add the information once more.

Time: 9pm Eastern Standard Time


Friday, July 13, 2012

Pale Ashes

Happy Friday the Thirteenth, I guess. For you, it's happy. For me, it's pretty quiet, lonely, filled with anticipation. But now that everything's a bit more coherent, I can explain my dream better.

I had a dream a few nights ago... as I just said. The dream was of four people leading a rather large group of children towards the Tall one. In the middle, there was a black silhouette of a man with a brimmed hat (probably a fedora?). On either side of him were three others. They were glowing so brightly, but I could make out minor details. One was stained with blood, one with... from what I could see... relatively long hair, and the other seemed to boil and twist the air surrounding him.

And the whole while... the Tall one was staring at me. Beckoning me to follow; not the children, but the four leading them. When I tried to move, I found that, as opposed to any other dreams I've had in the past, I was free. I turned and found myself standing in a horizontal line of others. All wearing black and white suits with bows. None of whom I recognized.

After that, I woke up. Absolutely nothing was out of place this time.

That's... all I have to say. I just needed to get something out while my sanity lasts. Whoever is even with me, anymore... thanks. Thanks for even attempting to follow my rambling, help me through whatever the hell has happened in my wake.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


I've been completely overwhelmed and... taken over by this Tall thing. I've realized how completely alone I am. I'm weak, worthless... whatever. I need company. I need to talk to someone. I don't know what's going to happen to me, or anyone dealing with this thing right now.

All I know is that I'm actually, finally slipping. I really am slipping. And I need to not be alone.

I know, I hold so many livestreams it's not even funny. I feel like I've overdone them, and that they've all led to something worse. One horrible event, started by the first livestream... followed by another occurrence at the next, etc.

But, I obviously don't give a damn, anymore. You hollow-shell pieces of shit. Come and torment me if you want. What do you have to torture? A hollow man  a tormentinghollow man. You have nothing to lose but a key; a monster. I have nothing to lose but my life. My scarred, beaten, burnt, torn life.

I will be holding a Tinychat on Saturday, July 14 at 9pm Eastern Time.

The link:

I hope to see as many of my fans, followers, lurkers, contributors... even you asshole proxies. "Helper," "Ascension," Norman... Show up if you'd like. I clearly don't care.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

oh myh god

//////////62w341!@$#///it wont shut up it keeps screaming at me beckonign me  l;rhddal;jgk asking me why does it want me to do this why does it want me to do thisme why m why e wHY ME it keeps showing me thinsgasdfhas;dfhukdfjadfbhajfd

it keeps showing me a man leading a line of children to him to HIM WHY TO HIM WHY TO HIM i couldnt tell if there wer eother people with him an d he was a silhouette

 i need to sleep i need to stay alive but why does it want ME?

Monday, July 9, 2012


It's all I am. I can't make a difference. I can hardly even survive any longer, with what I've done lingering inside of my skull.

I'm the reason for so many deaths.
I'm a moron. I am a weak, pathetic moron.
I'm unforgivable.
I'm a monster.

Nothing I will do will ever amount to anything other than maybe getting someone else killed. How about a headcount.

My town died in my town because I'm a key. I'm a TOOL.
Maddy died to shame ME.
Sera killed herself to keep from getting dragged under with ME.
Brad died by MY HAND.
Naomi... I lost her because I was too GODDAMN SLOW. TOO. WEAK.
N more than likely ended up dead because I was a coward, afraid to die.

Well... I'm not afraid anymore. Why? I have nothing to fear, nothing to lose. I was never given a break, and that broke me. I don't give a damn, anymore. Come and get me. Come. And. Get. ME.

And now I guess I'm not a KEY anymore, seeing as how those other things just... left... The only thing that stayed to drive me even deeper into the grave I dug is the Tall one. He just stands there... down my driveway... staring with his flat palette of a face. Screaming at me with the throat he should have, but doesn't. HE IS THE CAUSE OF THIS. AND HE'S CALLING ME.

Calling me for... what, exactly? I don't know. And I don't care. I'll continue to ignore the faceless bastard until it shuts up.

Sunday, July 8, 2012


Okay, so I talked to N. After some convincing he said he'd go find the package. I gave him some directions and he brought his camera.

I don't hear from him for almost a WEEK. So, what do I do? I go looking MYSELF. I went this morning, around 4am. It took me an hour to get there, but I got there. Again, this place was huge and full of nothing. I don't find a single thing.


Is there supposed to be some hidden message? Is this some ignorant, subliminal puzzle that I'm not just NOTICING? What is this?

I've been doing literally EVERYTHING I CAN and see FIT not to get myself killed. And what ends up happening? Everyone ELSE gets killed. And there's nothing left for me to do.

So... tell me. What do I do? Because I'm sure whatever suggestions will happen to pop up will be impossible for me to execute or will have some sort of counteraction.

Monday, July 2, 2012

i dont want to go on

But I have to. After all that happened tonight, I heartily wish not to. But I think I may have a compromise.

N, if you're reading this, I need you to help me. First, I decided against you even going near that place. But, I have a feeling that Helper will want to jump me or may have a trap set up. I know you're probably smarter than I am, and I know for a fact you're faster and stronger than I am right now.

As much as I wish not to ask this of you, I need you to go to the location with your camera and try to get whatever it is that Helper has there...

Give me a call, and I'll give you directions. If you make it through, then thank you so much. If not... then I don't know what I'll do. I'll have inadvertently killed someone again. I can't handle that. So please, make it through.

Need a distraction

Livestream tonight, mainly because I just need to talk to people and I need a distraction. I'm extremely uneasy and N isn't gonna call me back any time soon.

Time: 10:00pm EST

Please, please come... :\

The sweetest hint of sanity

Disbelief. That's all I feel right now. The binary codes translated into Tinypic url's that led to these two images:
Text at the right side says "follow"
Text at the top-left hidden in the trees says "look hard" and the text on the right in the trees says "look closely"

How the hell did you get those pictures? They were on MY camera. You don't HAVE MY CAMERA. And what do you want me to do? Follow? Follow what? The path you laid out for me to kill myself?

I shouldn't, but I will. You psychotic piece of shit. Then again, I more than likely am falling to your level. If this is a puzzle, I'll play your goddamned game. Is it "Follow The Leader?" Is it Leap-Frog? How about Simon!?


Okay. So, now that that's out... I don't know where Naomi is. Her phone is turned off, but it SHOULDN'T be. And I might have a contact left. Another Runners. He doesn't have much experience whatsoever. He goes by "N" and apparently, he got GRABBED by the Tall one, and ended up in the middle of my town.

So yeah, that's his deal. He CALLED me a few nights ago. Told me that he found my number laying on his laptop.

WHATEVER YOU DO, N... do NOT go to this location. Understood? Great... I'm going to stop by there tomorrow, to see what exactly I can find.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

plane of emptiness

it has changed a lot
but i am sure you will still recognize it
you just need to think
who are you?

i will show you.
i will show you all soon.