Monday, April 30, 2012

Tragedy in emptiness

There's honestly no motivation in anything, anymore. I'm falling into some sort of depression, or something. There's no point in doing anything if you don't get anything-- even any form of enjoyment-- out of it. In which case, why bother?

On another note, I had another dream a few nights ago. It really wasn't a lot, but it was disturbing.

I was in total darkness, no idea where exactly. I kept rocking back and forth, feeling no emotion. There was a window next to me, which was sort of out of place, but whatever.

I'd pull the blinds aside to look out, seeing nothing but white. This repeated another... 100 times or so. Then I woke up with a start. Still in my bed. I don't know what it meant. I could hear such a faint whispering, though...

I don't even know if that was relatively interesting to anyone, but what the hell. I felt you deserved an update. Nothing's been going on whatsoever. Which is kinda terrifying. It's always right before something big that nothing happens.

Anyways... I'll try to update more frequently. If you read this, thanks, guys. If not, then you have no idea what I'm saying, so it wouldn't make a difference.


  1. I know that feel bro.

    Get used to it, it sure as fuck ain't going away anytime soon.

    Dreams... I guess they can have a meaning. Most of mine are just nonsensical nightmares or memories. I wouldn't worry about it.

    Also, you should probably get a hobby or something while you're at this. Running gets boring after a while. Having something to entertain you is WAY more important than people make it out to be.

    1. I feel like the dream had meaning, though. I don't know what that meaning may be, but that whispering sounded like it was definitely trying its hardest to tell me something. But that could just be me.

      I don't have a single idea what "entertainment" could even remotely mean, anymore. Any suggestions for "hobbies," by any chance?

    2. Eh. My laptop has a decent graphics card, so I usually play some videogames to keep myself busy. Also books. History books if possible. Those are long and really cheep. Kinda boring but they kill time.

      Wish you luck. Keep updated.
