Monday, April 16, 2012

Dark birthday

Happy birthday to me,
Happy birthday to me,
Happy birthday, dear Puppet,
Get me the HELL out of this city?


  1. Replies
    1. Eh...

      Yeah, I wish I could help with that.

      I'm... my "associate" has some rather important business he needs to attend, and he's dragging me along with him. But I'm sure there will be more than one runner willing to pull you out of wherever you are.

      Also, can't you just leave by yourself?

    2. I wish for that as much as I want to figure out what's going on.

      Leaving by myself is pretty risky... the only way in to the city that isn't obvious and won't have constantly patrolling police would be through the forest. And the only time I'd be able to get through would be after dark.

      I don't know how this... THING operates during the night or in forests or whatever. Is there anything you can tell me about it? Desperation is starting to ebb at me, and it shouldn't...

    3. NEVER MOVE IN THE DARK AND NEVER ENTER A FOREST. Doing either of those WILL get you killed. Sorry man, you'll have to find another way.

    4. I can understand the dark part now...

      The entire city is surrounded by forest. Hell, the roads even have forested area on either side. There IS a relatively large trail leading out, though. It's barely forested, but it IS forested. 95% of the trees were cut out and it used to be train tracks. Maybe I could get out through there...

      If THAT doesn't work... I'm considering taking a helicopter out to Illinois. I like helicopters.

    5. ...What do you mean by understanding it now?

      Use air if possible. Places up high SHOULD be relatively safe. If not... If not I don't know how I can help you. Most runners that walk into a forest never make it out.

      If you do have to go trough one, grab your car and hit the fucking gas. You don't wanna stay there for long.

      Wish you luck.

    6. These little... puppets (no pun intended) of His decided to get loud last night. I'm about to make a more detailed post about it...

      Hopefully, air travel will work out. But then again, there's always the slim chance of-- forget it. Let's just think positive. Maybe it can't comprehend something taller than it? Yeah, that's it. Works for me, anyways.

      If I have to go through a forest with all those creepy SOB's hiding out in there, then I might as well steal a Humvee from the Military station literally down the street. I'll gun those bastards down if they come within a 20 meter radius of my barrel.

      But uh... I'm sure the helicopter thing will be fine, though.
